Thursday, November 9, 2017

Glendale College to Offer Class in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) During Spring, 2018

I am very excited to report that we will once again be offering Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GEOG 155) on the main campus at GCC. Former students of this class at GCC have gone on to very successful GIS careers. GIS is that rare career and technical skill that is also very useful in academic disciplines. 

The essence of the technology is a connection between spatial datasets (roads, land use, elevation, income by region, vegetation, ethnicity, etc.) and a computerized map display. Compex analysis and sophisticated map display are made possible via computer software. This is a growing field. The software has wide application in many fields is a great opportunity for students not only of geography but also in marketing, geology, biology, economics, anthroplogy, urban planning, international development, journalism, and many others. 

The instructor, Mark Prindle, is an experienced and enthusiastic GCC instructor. He's also a GCC alumnus! After GCC, he went on to get his Master's degree from CSUN in geography and then worked for the Army Corp of Engineers here in California before returning to Glendale College to teach. 

Please spread the word far and wide:

Spring 2018 GIS Offering
GEOG 155, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
LEC F 9:10-11:15am (Ticket 
LAB F 11:15am-2:30pm (Ticket 
(40 minute built in break)

Please see this brief presentation for more information on the technology as well as employment opportunities for GIS professionals:

This one minute video from ESRI, the industry leader in GIS software, may help as well: What is GIS?

Humans to Blame for Climate Change, Government Report Says

The executive branch of the U.S. federal government just released its latest climate change report. The report is pretty bleak reading. And, yes, that's the branch that's overseen by President Trump. Because these reports take years to produce and multiple government agencies are involved, it's impossible for any one president or administrator to squash them completely. 

Here's how describes the report's findings: 

"The climate report, released today (Nov. 3), paints a dire picture of the present and future effects of global climate change, from sea levels that could rise by as much as 8 feet (2.4 meters) by 2100, to more-frequent heat waves and other extreme weather events."...The new report's findings conflict with Trump's stated positions on climate change. Over the years, he has called human-caused climate change a "hoax," including in a 2013 tweet that read, "We should be focused on magnificently clean and healthy air and not distracted by the expensive hoax that is global warming!"

The report goes on to suggest that without major changes in the levels of released greenhouse  gases, we are facing some very significantly increased temperatures, with the possibility of 9 degrees F by 2100. So far we've only face about 2 degrees F so this will be dangerous change indeed:
"Without major reductions in emissions, the increase in annual average global temperature relative to preindustrial times could reach 9 degrees F (5 degrees C) or more by the end of this century," the report authors wrote. "With significant reductions in emissions, the increase in annual average global temperature could be limited to 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C) or less."
Such reductions require a major effort that would need to start rapidly, the report continued.
It is long past the time when we should be dithering. We must immediately approach this problem as a massive shared challenge. We need to act as if we are at war and rapidly mobilize our economy to address the problem: green energy production, electrified transportation, efficiency improvements at all levels.
Time is running out to head off these catastrophic changes. It really is. For further reading, check on the National Climate Assessment Overview, 2017.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Carbon dioxide levels grew at record pace in 2016, U.N. says

Reuters reports this morning that global CO2 levels are rising at a record pace  "potentially fuelling a 20-metre rise in sea levels and adding 3 degrees to temperatures, the United Nations said on Monday." This news comes as, of course, the U.S. President and much of Congress pretend to be ostriches when it comes to climate change. In fact, "Since 1990, the global warming effect of CO2 and other long-lived greenhouse gases has risen by 40 percent. The two other main gases - methane and nitrous oxide - also grew to record concentrations last year, although at a slower rate of increase than carbon dioxide."

Of course, while the rate of growth is now at record highs, the total CO2 concentration is also at an all-time high of about 410 parts per million (ppm), well above the preindustrial level of 275 ppm.

So, to summarize, the gas that is warming the planet is at record levels, is rising faster than ever, and this despite electric cars, solar panels, and the Paris Climate Agreement. We are going to have to do much more, and soon, if we are to slow this process. Sadly, neither the U.S. or Glendale are yet on track to solve this problem.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Concept of Face: Cultural Differences in Protocol in Asia

The Washington Post ran a good cultural geography story today, Protocol for Trump in Asia means no insults, no surprises. The author notes that in Asia there is a general cultural assumption that obvious and public conflict should be avoided at all times, 

"Among the challenges Trump faces as he heads to Asia are the complexities of the “Asian face,” a concept that’s foreign to many Americans but lies at the foundation of societies across the region. Generally, it means making sure behavior, posture, gestures, remarks and more do not spark strong negative emotions in others, or oneself."

This is not at all how our current president generally operates. As he heads to Asia for a 10-day trip, it should be entertaining to see if he can control himself at all and act diplomatically. My guess is no, but we'll see. Here's how he greeted Abe the first time: