I am very excited to report that we will once again be offering Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GEOG 155) on the main campus at GCC. Former students of this class at GCC have gone on to very successful GIS careers. GIS is that rare career and technical skill that is also very useful in academic disciplines.
The essence of the technology is a connection between spatial datasets (roads, land use, elevation, income by region, vegetation, ethnicity, etc.) and a computerized map display. Compex analysis and sophisticated map display are made possible via computer software. This is a growing field. The software has wide application in many fields is a great opportunity for students not only of geography but also in marketing, geology, biology, economics, anthroplogy, urban planning, international development, journalism, and many others.
The instructor, Mark Prindle, is an experienced and enthusiastic GCC instructor. He's also a GCC alumnus! After GCC, he went on to get his Master's degree from CSUN in geography and then worked for the Army Corp of Engineers here in California before returning to Glendale College to teach.
Please spread the word far and wide:
Spring 2018 GIS Offering
GEOG 155, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
LEC F 9:10-11:15am (Ticket #3839)
LAB F 11:15am-2:30pm (Ticket #3840)
(40 minute built in break)
LEC F 9:10-11:15am (Ticket #3839)
LAB F 11:15am-2:30pm (Ticket #3840)
(40 minute built in break)
Please see this brief presentation for more information on the technology as well as employment opportunities for GIS professionals: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ly1dvPZX8CdsTJ-II4Tr_fKXJSbc3e_ECiJqVlY8n9k/edit?usp=sharing
This one minute video from ESRI, the industry leader in GIS software, may help as well: What is GIS? https://youtu.be/LHDCRjAxpI0